
Daten zum Projekt

Vorstudie für eine Studiengruppe "Migration and Mental Health in Germany - A Representative Study on Risks and Helpful Factors (MIRAS)"

Initiative: Zukunftsfragen der Gesellschaft (beendet)
Ausschreibung: Migration + Gesundheit
Bewilligung: 14.05.2008
Laufzeit: 6 Monate


A representative cross-sectional study in five German cities aims to examine mental health and risk and protective factors of different groups of migrants. The focus of the preliminary studies will be on the feasibility and practicability of the planned investigation. This might alert the research team to problems in collecting representative data on immigrants' mental health. The team will adapt and fine-tune the methods, especially the sampling method, if necessary. Additionally, the researchers will validate the instruments, the questions for the guided interviews and for the in-depth interviews, in accordance with an emic understanding of topics, concepts and language use.


  • Prof. Dr. Jutta Lindert

    Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg
    Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit,
    Diakonie und Religionspädagogik
    Institut für angewandte Forschung