
Daten zum Projekt

Political Sociology: Social Movements and Conflict

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Initiative: Lichtenberg - Professuren
Bewilligung: 16.11.2018
Laufzeit: 5 Jahre


The professorship aims at establishing an innovative empirical research program for the study of social movements, domestic political conflict, and its consequences for representation in contemporary democracies. The new idea is to systematically linking the study of social movements and protest politics to research on cleavage politics and the restructuration of conflict. The very basis of European politics is currently in flux due to the rise of new structuring conflicts that cross-cut and, in part, accentuate traditional social and political divides. This restructuration process has fundamentally transformed the landscapes and dynamics of political mobilization in Europe during the last decades. This integrative approach connects insights, concepts, and methods from different fields in political sociology with related disciplines such as sociology, political science, and communications studies. Three questions guide the research program: (a) What are the consequences of the new divides for social movements and contentious politics? (b) What are the driving forces, mechanisms, and dynamics of change? Are there specific types of challengers, ideological orientations, arenas, or issues that produce changes in contentious politics? (c) What are the consequences of these transformations for democratic governance?


  • Prof. Dr. Swen Hutter

    Freie Universität Berlin
    Fachbereich Politik und Sozialwissenschaften
    Institut für Soziologie

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