
Daten zum Projekt

Senior Fellowship for Dr. Godfrey Maringira: "Soldiers in Politics: Civil-Military Relations"

Initiative: Wissen für morgen – Kooperative Forschungsvorhaben im subsaharischen Afrika (beendet)
Ausschreibung: Postdoctoral Fellowships Social Sciences
Bewilligung: 03.05.2018
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


This project examines the changing relationship between the army generals and foot soldiers and the political leadership of former President Robert Mugabe whose rule ended (after 37 years in power) with military intervention and the related mass street protest by the civilians in Zimbabwe on 21 November 2017. The study focuses on serving senior and junior soldiers in the Zimbabwe National Army to understand why after 37 years of loyalty, the staged military intervention which saw Robert Mugabe resigning from the presidency. Therefore the guiding question for this project is: What factors influenced the nature of the relationship between soldiers and the political leadership in the pre- and post- Robert Mugabe eras? In order to explore this question, the project will employ ethnographic tools: deep observation of and participation with the activities of soldiers, informal conversations, in-depth interviews, and follow-up interviews with serving junior and senior officers in Zimbabwe. The project constitute of: two postgraduate students, a Masters and PhD student whose research will speak to the project. In addition the project will also include a European postdoctoral fellow, two mentors: African based and European mentor. The project will also have a European partner, whose institution, UK will provide basic institutional support on visit by the senior Volkswagen Foundation fellow. As a team in the project, we will have at least two symposiums together, presenting our research findings. This will help to strenthen already existing relationships, and mentorship of young researchers in the project.


  • Dr. Stefan Schmid

    Universität Frankfurt am Main
    Zentrum für interdisziplinäre
    Afrikaforschung (ZIAF)
    Campus Westend
    Frankfurt am Main

  • Dr. Godfrey Maringira

    University of the Western Cape
    Department of Anthropology & Sociology
    Faculty of Arts
    Cape Town

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