
Daten zum Projekt

Bronze Age Live

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Initiative: Weltwissen – Strukturelle Stärkung "kleiner Fächer"
Ausschreibung: Kleine Fächer vermitteln Weltwissen - Förderlinie 2
Bewilligung: 27.11.2018
Laufzeit: 11 Monate


In spite of being a small discipline, prehistoric archaeology has a long story of success of attracting public interest but it still has the problem to attract a young audience - especially teenagers. This is not because this group is not interested in archaeological topics, as the success of pseudo-archaeological movies and related computer games clearly indicate. Many members of this age group spend a significant time in front of their computer playing civilization build-up/strategy games and this has not changed since the 1990ies. At this point, our project "Bronze Age Live" comes into play. Together with a leading marketing agency, which is very much focusing on a young audience and a leading game producer, I have developed a High Concept for a civilization build-up/strategy game whose rules are all based on most recent scientific results. Based on the High Concept, we would now like to create this game and offer it to schools, where e.g. at the Bavarian Gymnasium the topic of prehistory is discussed in a few hours at the beginning of every 6th grade. As edutainment game, it will act as a subliminal, but historically precise, pedagogical tool because of its science-based background.


  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Stockhammer

    Universität München
    Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften
    Department für Kulturwissenschaften und
    Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichtl. Archäologie