
Daten zum Projekt

The Shape Of Things To Come - Rehearsing Future Societies With Artificial Intelligence

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Initiative: Künstliche Intelligenz – Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von morgen
Ausschreibung: Künstliche Intelligenz – Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von morgen - Planning Grant
Bewilligung: 07.02.2019
Laufzeit: 10 Monate


The project will explore the potential of physical theatre as a method to generate insight about the collaboration between human and artificial intelligence by rehearsing situations in which algorithm play, or are expected to play, a critical role. It is believed that a better understanding of embodied cognition has the potential to forward research in the field of artificial intelligence, and this planing grant aims to provide a proof-of concept to be incorporated in the subsequent full grant application. In the wake of modern sociotechnological developments, one needs to acknowledge and understand the role of artificial intelligence as a key actor of the social computer in order to integrate and benefit from, rather than be subjected to, algorithmic decisions. Similarly, future societies ought to be studied not only through their systems but also looking at what constitutes their very fabric - cultural artefacts, identities, codes, biases and folklores. It is proposed that hybrid research - involving computer, social and cognitive sciences as well as design and the arts - allows to account for both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the topic, and plan to have an interdisciplinary team lead this study from three different vantage points: the human, the machine, and the culture. The compiling and study of biometrics as well as behavioural data obtained through traditional as well as technologically-augmented physical theatre techniques during scenario-testing sessions - workshops with renowned scientists and performers - will form the fundamentals of the research.
