
Daten zum Projekt

Initiating Molecular Life

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Initiative: "Leben?" - Ein neuer Blick der Naturwissenschaften auf die grundlegenden Prinzipien des Lebens (beendet)
Bewilligung: 10.07.2019
Laufzeit: 5 Jahre


The origin of life has begun with prebiotic molecules reacting in not yet completely identified pathways to produce important intermediates and key molecules. The transition from the synthesis of small molecules and biopolymers to a biosynthetic machinery is completely unknown. The central question of this project is what level of complexity is required to trigger evolution at the molecular level of small organic molecules? The aim is to identify organocatalysts that can be formed under prebiotic conditions and modify themselves or their own building blocks catalytically step by step in order to achieve improved selectivity and reactivity. In particular, thiazolidines and other five-membered heterocycles with (photo-)organocatalytic properties will be synthesized under prebiotic conditions and investigated. Of central importance for such a photoorganocatalytic system are day and night cycles, which moves the system out of equilibrium and represent a simple photochemical system. Detailed kinetic and mechanistic investigations will allow creating the basis for a chemical reaction network and making predictions about evolution on a molecular level leading to life.


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