
Daten zum Projekt

Skills, Artificial Intelligence and Labour - SKAIL

Initiative: Künstliche Intelligenz – Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von morgen
Ausschreibung: Künstliche Intelligenz – Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von morgen - Planning Grant
Bewilligung: 17.12.2019
Laufzeit: 9 Monate


The development and embedding of artificial intelligence (AI) in workplaces is transforming the nature of work and skills. The implications of the emergent AI-based work practices for workers' skill enhancement are not well understood. The project addresses this gap by (1) analysing the challenges of emerging AI systems for work practices; (2) examining skill requirements for different groups of workers interacting with AI (AI preparers, developers and users); and (3) developing criteria for the design of skill-enhancing AI systems, focusing on transparency and explainability. These goals are addressed through research in three testbeds (cases): (i) microworkers, who process and label the big datasets underpinning AI algorithms (AI preparers); (ii) specialists who develop the AI algorithms and applications (AI developers), and (iii) workers who use the AI in their workplace (AI users). In the planning stage, the consortium will conduct three interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral workshops. The workshops will bring together researchers from Social Sciences, Engineering and Information Systems with representatives of industry, professional bodies, and institutions of higher and vocational education to map out the issues and gaps related to the three goals above and to devise a full proposal for submission in 2020.
