
Daten zum Projekt

A New Focus in English Linguistics: Geolingual Studies

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Initiative: Momentum - Förderung für Erstberufene
Bewilligung: 24.03.2021
Laufzeit: 5 Jahre


With regard to growing global issues the time is ripe to move towards the expansion of established linguistic fields. Therefore, the aim of the concept is to establish a new and innovative field, geolingual studies (GLS), which combines methodologies from linguistics and geography to assess the complex interrelation between physical and social-cultural space. The Department of Geography and Geology has expertise in remote sensing and GIS to record and describe physical space. Methodologies from linguistics can provide an additional layer of information by analysing social networks, identity constructions, and evaluations and perceptions of space. A special focus is laid on investigating urban dynamics in megacities as present-day socio-cultural trends become particularly apparent in these fast-changing urban spaces: Characterised by often high growth rates, they bear witness to physical expansion and morphological as well as social restructuring. To assess these structures and changes from global and culture-specific perspectives, it is necessary to include local partners and establish an international network of scholars. For the reorientation in teaching, interdisciplinary courses and internships with partner organizations are planned, as well as the expansion of exchange programs with partner universities worldwide.


  • Prof. Dr. Carolin Biewer

    Universität Würzburg
    Neuphilologisches Institut
    Anglistik und Amerikanistik
    Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft