
Daten zum Projekt

Perception and Behavior Adaptation in Times of Corona and Populism: A Longitudinal Study.

Initiative: Corona Crisis and Beyond – Perspectives for Science, Scholarship and Society (beendet)
Bewilligung: 10.12.2020
Laufzeit: 1 Jahr 6 Monate


The current corona pandemic represents a huge exogenous shock, challenging the resilience and coping mechanisms of society, the political system, but also each individual citizen. The project makes use of the quasi-experimental setting that the pandemic provides to study preconditions of successful political responses and reforms in times of increasing polarization and populism. It relies on panel data starting before the exponential growth of the pandemic in Germany took off and before the first drastic measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 were implemented. Result will be disseminated to academic as well as broader audiences.


  • Prof. Dr. Thorsten Faas

    Freie Universität Berlin
    Fachbereich Politik und Sozialwissenschaften
    Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft
    Politische Soziologie der Bundesrepublik

  • Dr. Nico Siegel


  • Prof. Dr. Gert G. Wagner

    Max-Planck-Institut für
    Max Planck Fellow
    Max Planck Fellow