
Daten zur Person*

Dr. Stefan Schmid

Zur persönlichen Website

Adresse: Universität Frankfurt am Main
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre
Afrikaforschung (ZIAF)
Campus Westend
Grüneburgplatz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Fachgebiet: Geographie
Spezialgebiet: Koordination
*letzte der Stiftung bekannte Adresse


Projekttitel Bewilligungsdatum
Extension Phase of Senior Fellowship for Dr. Martha Awo: "Decentralization and Local Governance: The Case of the Shea Industry in Ghana" 24.01.2020
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Michael Ayamga: "Agricultural Commercialization for Inclusive Economic Development: Comparative Analysis of Food and Non-Food Crop Models in Ghana" 03.05.2018
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Daniel Sakyi: "Seaports Efficiency, Choice and Productivity Growth in ECOWAS Countries" 03.05.2018
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Lizabé Lambrechts: "Music and Memory: Discovering the Postapartheid through Popular Music Archives" 03.05.2018
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Godfrey Maringira: "Soldiers in Politics: Civil-Military Relations" 03.05.2018
Senior Fellowship for Dr. Annabella Osei-Tutu: "Is it well with my soul? Effects of contemporary African religious practices on well-being" 03.05.2018
Extension Phase of Senior Fellowship for Dr. Roland Azibo Balgah: "Analyzing Policy and Institutional Frameworks for Natural Disaster Risk Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa" 03.05.2018
Aus- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen für das Postdoc Fellowship Programm for the Social Sciences in Subsaharan Africa 2019 - 2022 03.05.2018
Aus- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen für das Postdoc Fellowship Programm for the Social Sciences in Subsaharan Africa 29.04.2015
International Field School "Understanding Freshwater Ecology as the Basis for Sustainable Ecosystem Management" 05.08.2013
Senior Postdoc Fellowship für Dr. Esther Ishengoma: Global Financial Linkages, MFIs' Sustainability and Poverty Reduction 31.10.2012
Junior Postdoc Fellowship für Dr. Gnangadjomon Koné: Mobiliziation for political violence: Who join pro-governmental militias and why? 23.03.2012
Junior Postdoc Fellowship für Dr. Martha Awo: Value chained? Peasants' autonomy and capture in times of increasing integration global food markets 23.03.2012
Senior Postdoc Fellowship für Dr. David Kyaddondo: Mobilizing Social and Medical Resources for Health: Consumer practices in a composite medical care system in Uganda 23.03.2012
Junior Postdoc Fellowship für Dr. Dambala Gelo: Welfare Effect, Design Preference and Enforcement Mechanisms of Common Property Forestry Management: Econometric and Experimental Studies in Ethiopian Villages 23.03.2012
Junior Postdoc Fellowship für Dr. Patience Mutopo: Agrarian Transformation: Revisiting processes of De-peasantisation and Re-peasantisation and Rural Livelihoods after Fast Track Land Reform in Mwenezi District, Zimbabwe 23.03.2012
Junior Postdoc Fellowship für Dr.Mohammed Amidu: The measurement, determinants and implications of competition in the African banking sector: A new industrial organization perspective 23.03.2012
Junior Postdoc Fellowship für Dr. Roland Azibo Balgah: Managing Natural Risks and Shocks in Developing Countries. The Role of Informal Response Mechanisms 23.03.2012
Administration und programmbegleitende Maßnahmen für das "Post-doc Fellowship-Program in the Social Sciences in Sub-Saharan Africa" 23.03.2012
International Field School "Evolution of Lake Malawi Biodiversity" 10.10.2011
Auswahlkonferenz "Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Social Sciences in Sub-Saharan Africa" 13.07.2011
Sommerschule "Palaeo-Environments and Hominid Evolution in Africa" 16.06.2009
1. Statussymposium der Afrika-Initiative 2007 07.03.2007
Internationale Sommerschule "Entangled medical fields: transformation of meaning, knowledge and practice" 08.02.2007