
Daten zum Projekt

Spatio-temporal synchronization in ecological systems: a link from local dynamics to global structure

Initiative: Nachwuchsgruppen an Universitäten (beendet)
Bewilligung: 18.10.2005
Laufzeit: 1 Jahr


Synchronization is a fundamental phenomenon arising in many biological and ecological contexts where there are networks of coupled oscillating populations. The main research interest is the description of complex synchronization in ecological systems using modern mathematical methods from non-linear dynamics and statistical physics. The members of the group are engaged in a number of strongly interconnected research projects, ranging from pure theoretical investigations to applied ecology and experiments. In particular, new tools to detect hidden forms of synchronization in space-time data sets are developed and the sychnronization properties are explored both by modelling approaches as well as data analysis of concrete ecosystems. Additionally, the theoretical work is verified in laboratory experiments using a network of coupled phytoplankton chemostats.
