
Daten zum Projekt

Classical and quantum dynamics in interacting driven systems

Initiative: Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft
Bewilligung: 17.08.2006
Laufzeit: 2 Jahre


The focus of the project is on the theoretical investigation of the nonlinear dynamical properties of driven systems taking into account interaction effects. The latter comprise the forces among the constituents (electrons, hadrons, atoms, mesoscopic scale units, etc.) of the driven system as well as the interplay between the system and its environment such as temperature effects and/or classical versus quantum contacts. Two types of driving forces will be considered: regular (time-periodic) and random perturbations. Classical and quantum studies of driven open scattering systems as well as driven closed systems will be performed equally. The unique nonlinear dynamical properties of driven systems lead to new intriguing properties such as fractal scattering functions, dynamically controlled transport and strongly correlated time-behavior of e.g. escape probabilities from nearly closed systems. Quantum time-evolution will be explored by employing wave packet dynamics. Real-time finite-temperature field theory formalisms will be chosen such as thermofield dynamics and Schwinger Keldish formalism. In this case model systems such as coupled harmonic oscillators, kicked rotor, billiard geometries, Yang-Mills-Higgs systems and driven quantum dots and hadrons are to be considered as well as dissipative systems.
