
Daten zum Projekt

Impact of motif content on dynamic function of complex networks

Initiative: Modellierung und Simulation komplexer Systeme (beendet)
Ausschreibung: Komplexe Netzwerke als fächerübergreifendes Phänomen
Bewilligung: 30.03.2007
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


Network motifs are groups of few nodes with a specific link pattern. The dynamic performance of a network depends significantly on the types and numbers of motifs. In this project the link between the motif composition and dynamic performance of a network is studied by (i) developing new methods for systematically varying the motif content, (ii) simulating simple dynamic processes and evaluating the resulting performance, and (iii) attempting to observe motif-dependent dynamic function of networks in three case studies. These test cases are: metabolic networks (re-organization of metabolic fluxes after a topological perturbation), the network of long-distance train connections (size of delay cascades), and coauthorship networks (a publication's impact as a function of its authors constellation).
