
Daten zum Projekt

Migration and Remittances in Central Asia: The Case of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan

Initiative: Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft
Bewilligung: 24.06.2009
Laufzeit: 2 Jahre 6 Monate


The project aims to explore recent migration determinants and patterns in the Central Asian states Kazakhstan and Tajikistan on the individual and household level, and seeks to investigate the scope, transmission and use of remittances. It is planed to undertake a quantitative household survey and a qualitative interview study with respondents, who had actually migrated (ethno-survey). The analysis of these survey data is expected to produce and enhance knowledge in the field of migration and remittances in both countries and allow formulating policy relevant recommendations. Furthermore, the project is designed to strengthen research contacts between German and Central Asian researchers and to foster capacity building among scholars in Central Asia.
