
Daten zum Projekt

Impact of transition processes on environmental risk assessment and risk management strategies in Central Asian transboundary basin (Zarafshan)

Initiative: Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft
Bewilligung: 15.04.2008
Laufzeit: 2 Jahre


The work proposed aims to identify the impact of transition processes on the real environmental changes, to identify the impact of transition processes on changes in environmental standards and risk assessment criteria related to toxic elements, to review suitable remediation options, to develop methods of prioritising urgent action areas (hot spots) at the territory of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in the context of transition processes, and to derive recommendations for risk management strategies in order to improve and secure environmental conditions and water resources. So far, a systematic description of present industries and wastewater relevant sources and processes is totally missing. Hence, the project results will provide essential and novel key information which will support especially the use of environmental technologies. The project will also address the reasoning behind postponing current and future water scarcity issues. Gaining this understanding and advertising potential risk factors to the public domain will contribute to an adapted and improved risk planning and better preconditions for corresponding multi-stakeholder negotiations.


  • Dr.-Ing. Oliver Olsson

    Universität Hannover
    Institut für Siedlungswasser-
    wirtschaft und Abfalltechnik
    Abteilung Wasserressourcen - Bewirtschaftung

  • Dr. Malika Ikramova, Ph.D.

    Central Asian Scientific Research
    Institute of Irrigation (SANIIRI)
    Water resources complexs use

  • Prof. Dr. Inom Normatov

    Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
    Water quality management
    Institute of Water problems,Hdropower and Ecology