
Daten zum Projekt

Agriculture as a Stepping Stone toward Increased Social Complexity: Inner Asian Economies - The Exception that Proves the Rule? (Fellowship am Deutschen Archäologischen Institut (DAI), Berlin, von Dr. Robert Spengler)

Initiative: Postdoctoral Fellowships in den Geisteswissenschaften an Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten in Deutschland und den USA
Ausschreibung: Postdoctoral Fellowships in den Geisteswissenschaften an Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten in Deutschland
Bewilligung: 05.03.2014
Laufzeit: 1 Jahr


Inner Asia has long been intertwined with European and Asian social developmental trajectories. The peoples who lived in this region in prehistory are usually assumed to be mobile pastoralists. However, we have little understanding of how economy articulated through time and even less of an understanding of their social dynamics. In this project Spengler wants to merge archaeobotanical studies across much of this geographic region which show that: 1) agriculture was present in this region as far back as the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2500 cal. B.C.), millennia earlier than previously believed; and 2) that agricultural pursuits were intensified in many areas during the early Iron Age (ca. 400 cal B.C.), a time period when researchers have long argued Central Asian people were focusing on a highly mobile and pastorally reliant economy.
