
Daten zum Projekt

Collective action and conflict on common village pastures - Comparative case studies in Azerbaijan and Georgia

Initiative: Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft
Ausschreibung: Ausschreibung: "Umwelt, natürliche Ressourcen und erneuerbare Energien"
Bewilligung: 19.06.2014
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


Common village pastures are a heavily used key resource for mobile and stationary livestock keepers in Azerbaijan and Georgia. Village smallholders' livelihood depends in vast parts from livestock husbandry, while intact pastures around villages prevent them from natural hazards. Village pastures are managed locally and collectively by a village community, which has designs and enforces regulations itself. In addition, different user groups, i.e. mobile and stationary livestock keepers, villagers and the village administration, have conflicting interests in resource management which have to be balanced in a complex negotiation process. The project focuses on two neighbouring countries with similar ecological conditions and a similar administrative framework for pasture resource which was developed in the post-socialist transition period. However, due to differences in individual incentives and social experiences, the preferences and capacity for collective action might differ between the two countries. The research intends to contribute to the improved collective management of heavily used pasture resources in both countries by analysing the resource management problem from an interdisciplinary perspective. Institutional economic, farm economic and ecological knowledge are used to analyse in detail the resource management dynamics and to develop from the synthesis of these perspectives recommendations for the ecologically sound and socially sustainable management of village pasture resources.


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