
Daten zum Projekt

Bi- and multilingualism between conflict intensification and conflict resolution. Ethno-linguistic conflicts, language politics and contact situations in post-Soviet Ukraine and Russia

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Initiative: Trilaterale Partnerschaften – Kooperationsvorhaben zwischen Wissenschaftler(inne)n aus der Ukraine, Russland und Deutschland
Bewilligung: 05.02.2016
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


Strikingly, what should actually be a factor contributing to conflict resolution - multilingualism as a means of interaction - has, in the framework of language policy with its changing measures, more often led to an intensification of these conflicts. Which measures contribute to conflict intensification and which advance conflict resolution, and how do they do so? To what extent do language conflicts actually exist, or are they partially constructed, either by language politics or by sections of the language community? The project investigates these questions using the example of several language situations which, alongside certain differences, also demonstrate sufficient commonalities to render a comparison highly useful: the situation of Ukrainian and Russian in Ukraine and of Tatar and Russian in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan, as well as the multilingual situation with Russian, Ukrainian, and Tatar as components in the Crimea. Today, all these bi- and multilingual language situations are embedded in states which have been shaped by (monolingual) nation state-building. A comparison between them can therefore provide clear and useful insights into the mechanisms, problems and consequences of various language policies. The project provides a synergy of the complementary research competences of the participating partners and seeks to develop these competences into an integrated sociolinguistic research of language conflicts within the context of bi- and multilingualism in Eastern Europe.


  • Prof. Dr. Monika Wingender

    Universität Gießen
    Institut für Slavistik

  • Dr. habil. Svitlana Sokolova

    National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
    Institute of Ukrainian Language

  • Prof. Dr. Kamil Galiullin

    Kazan Federal University
    Institute of Philology and Intercultural
    Department of Applied Linguistics

  • Dr. Liliya Nizamova

    Kazan Federal University
    Institute of Sociology, Philosophy and Mass
    Department of General and Ethnic Sociology

  • Prof. Dr. Larysa Masenko

    National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
    Institute of Ukrainian Language