
Daten zum Projekt

The Relational Museum: Sharing Knowledge on Epidemics and Crises on the Upper Negro River (Brazil/Colombia - additional Corona-related funding)

Initiative: Forschung in Museen
Ausschreibung: Postdoktorand/innen
Bewilligung: 21.07.2020
Laufzeit: 1 Jahr 6 Monate


Amazonia and its indigenous population are particularly affected by the current pandemic situation. Despite centuries of experience with disease outbreaks, there is little understanding of why COVID-19 spreads so rapidly in the sparsely populated Amazon region, how it is related to other epidemiological and socioenvironmental variabilities and how the indigenous population experiences this pandemic and past ones, as well as their social consequences. By expanding an already established research network, this module aims to open up spaces for collaborative cross-cultural and transdisciplinary research on COVID-19 and related topics. In this respect, the module represents a consistent further development of the "Shared Knowledge" project, which is already funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.
