
Daten zum Projekt

Nano-drones maneuvered by light in 3D using optical spin-orbit coupling

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Initiative: "Experiment!" (beendet)
Ausschreibung: Explorative Phase
Bewilligung: 09.12.2015
Laufzeit: 1 Jahr 6 Monate


The question is whether nanostructures with typical dimensions of the wavelength of visible light can be propelled and steered in liquids in 3D with nanometer precision just by illuminating them from time to time with moderately focused light pulses of linear or circular polarization. The team plans to make use of tailormade plasmonic nanostructures exhibiting strong optical spin-orbit coupling. Through this coupling the direction of enhanced light absorption and scattering becomes highly dependent on the orbital angular momentum of the incident photons. This approach should provide a general method to control the movement of nanometer sized vehicles in liquid environments. A successful demonstration would be the basis for novel types of experiments in the life sciences, for instance investigations and manipulations within living cells, or the transport and processing of functional cargo attached to such nano-drones.


  • Prof. Dr. Bert Hecht

    Universität Würzburg
    Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
    Physikalisches Institut
    Lehrstuhl für Experimentelle Physik 5