
Daten zum Projekt

Sustainable Mobility Research in Central Asia (SUMRICA)

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Initiative: Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft
Ausschreibung: Ausschreibung: Strukturell orientierte Maßnahmen
Bewilligung: 06.07.2017
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


The project focuses on interuniversity cooperation between German and Central Asian (CA) universities and one university in the neighboring country Iran. Main activities connecting the project cooperation partners are gatherings, including summer schools, thematic and administrative workshops, research stays and publications - all targeting three main themes: (1) Land use / transportation, integrated transportation planning, (2) Environmentally friendly mobility, (3) Transport policies and financial issues. SUMRICA will tackle the societal challenges of CA concerning urban mobility by capacity building and increasing academic and professional bodies' awareness of sustainable transportation. Target groups are young researchers, instructors and professionals, either studying at or employed by a cooperation partner university, who will directly influence the future mobility and urban planning trends in CA. The project motivates young academics from CA to learn more about interdisciplinary transportation topics. A summer school is organized each year in one of the CA cooperation partner countries (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan) by researchers from the German and cooperation partner universities. Cooperation between CA researchers and German PhD students is promoted by research stays, supported by three-month scholarships, at Technische Universität Berlin to intensify scientific exchange on common research topics with other German scientists in the field of sustainable transportation. The results of the research stays are presented in summer schools and during the project. Furthermore, they will be developed to be published in peer-reviewed journals and the project's publication series. SUMRICA aims at a long-term perception shift of the discipline in CA by providing next generation researchers, planners, officials and politicians with state of the art knowledge. The consortium includes eight universities from Germany, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Iran.


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