
Daten zum Projekt

International mathematics doctoral program at Tbilisi State University

Initiative: Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft
Ausschreibung: Ausschreibung: "Vorbereitung Strukturierte Doktorandenprogramme"
Bewilligung: 25.10.2016
Laufzeit: 6 Monate


It is proposed to create an international doctoral program in mathematics at Tbilisi State University, briefly TSU, that is compatible with international standards and cotutelle agreements. It is also aimed at improving the working conditions for mathematics doctoral students at TSU through a dedicated work space and a weekly seminar. These will ensure regular meetings among the doctoral students. A visit at TSU for a few weeks should become a reasonable option for doctoral students from Göttingen with a partner in Tbilisi with similar scientific interests. Removing the obstacles to double degrees seems to be possible by establishing a new "international doctoral program" in mathematics. Whereas in Germany, a doctoral degree is also a good start for a non-academic career, there is currently no such culture in Georgia. Therefore, few students in Georgia aim at a doctoral degree. To attract more talented students into doctoral program, this non-academic employment options for them are needed. It is aimed at building up contacts into the local business community to find companies that would be willing to employ mathematics doctoral students, and to find ways of binding them to the doctoral program, so that it may honestly assure students that doctoral studies are a good career choice.
