
Daten zum Projekt

The Role of Work in the Development of Civilization Diseases

Initiative: Momentum - Förderung für Erstberufene
Bewilligung: 14.04.2020
Laufzeit: 6 Jahre


Reducing premature mortality due to civilization diseases by one third until 2030 through prevention and treatment is one of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. The reorientation of the professorship contributes to efforts that address this societal "grand challenge" by examining the joint effects of work design and individuals' work-related actions on the development of civilization diseases using a transdisciplinary and multifaceted approach that integrates research, teaching, and community engagement activities. So far, work and organizational psychologists have shied away from investigating the role of work with regard to the prevention, onset, and development of noncommunicable and chronic civilization diseases.The motivation for the perspective extension stems from three central reasons. First, psychological theories and methods are currently underutilized with regard to understanding the "grand challenge" of civilization diseases. Second, addressing this challenge and, thus, having an impact on public health requires innovative teaching methods and career guidance for students as well as enhanced science communication with practitioners and the public. Third, this program offers the opportunity to integrate the chair with the existing research strengths and core research areas in Leipzig.


  • Prof. Dr. Hannes Zacher

    Universität Leipzig
    Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften
    Institut für Psychologie

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