
Daten zum Projekt

Extension Phase of the Senior Fellowship for Dr. Plan Shenjere-Nyabezi: The Past in the Present: The Zimbabwe Culture and other Archaeological Heritage in north western Zimbabwe

Initiative: Wissen für morgen – Kooperative Forschungsvorhaben im subsaharischen Afrika (beendet)
Ausschreibung: Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities in Africa
Bewilligung: 29.11.2019
Laufzeit: 2 Jahre


The aims of the project as presented in the original proposal were to conduct archaeological, ethnoarchaeological, ethnohistorical and cultural heritage management research in north western Zimbabwe, focussing on the Zimbabwe Culture and the Nambya state. The research aimed at expanding our knowledge of the Zimbabwe Culture based on archaeological investigation at the three major and important but less well known Zimbabwe Culture stone walled sites of Shangano, Bumbuzi and Mtoa including other smaller similar sites in the research area. As the project nears its completion with most of the major objectives having been achieved, there are a number of areas that require follow up. Additional archaeological data are required to clarify the apparent discrepancies between the oral historical traditions and archaeology, concerning the origins and development of the Nambya state in north western Zimbabwe. There is a clear need for further scientific dating evidence and material culture comparisons between sites. Over and above further archaeological research data, there is a need to consolidate the achievements in relation to archaeological heritage management in terms of awareness raising and benefits for society.


  • Prof. Dr. Brigitte Reinwald

    Universität Hannover
    Philosophische Fakultät
    Historisches Seminar
    Fachgebiet Geschichte Afrikas

  • Dr. Plan Shenjere-Nyabezi

    University of Zimbabwe
    Faculty of Arts
    History Department
    Archaeology Unit
    Simbabwe (Zimbabwe)