
Daten zum Projekt

The Future of Modernist Housing. Living Labs Socialist City

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Initiative: Trilaterale Partnerschaften – Kooperationsvorhaben zwischen Wissenschaftler(inne)n aus der Ukraine, Russland und Deutschland
Bewilligung: 01.07.2020
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


The existing large residential housing estates in large cities are of great significance when it comes to providing living space for broad sections of the population in the future. With varied housing options, comparatively low rents, and with a large amount of open spaces they offer living conditions that are interesting for different groups in the population. At the same time, the districts require extensive renewal and improvement to make them capable of responding to new societal, functional, and technical needs. Building on the insights already acquired, the findings shall first be examined in more detail under the thematic focus of 'housing', inter alia through the inclusion of other expert disciplines (e.g. economics, social and cultural sciences) and be anchored politically and socially by including local actors from politics, the administration, and civil society. The core question to be dealt with by the project is how the existing living space in large housing estates can be secured for the future and further developed in a sustainable manner. The aim is to map out the spatial qualities and deficits of the housing estates ? in terms of both the living space and the residential environment - in order to develop recommendations for action on this basis. The results will be guidelines for the further development of the existing housing stock in two selected large housing estates in Russia and Ukraine. In addition to the concepts for the concrete case studies, generally valid planning approaches shall be worked out. The declared purpose of this project is to promote an on-going dialogue between theory and praxis, between the project partners and the local actors. This is to be achieved by the set-up of two living labs that will be established in the chosen estates in Irkutsk and Odessa for a period of 15 months ? experimental laboratories, where research will be done 'on site' accompanied by an ongoing dialogue with the different stakeholders.


  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Engel

    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    FG Internationaler Städtebau, Fak. Architektur
    Institut Entwerfen von Stadt und Landschaft

  • Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Buriak

    Kharkiv National University of
    Engineering and Architecutre
    Architectural Fundamentals

  • Prof. Dr. Irina Kukina

    Siberian Federal University
    Urban Design and Planning
    Institute of Architecture and Design

  • Prof. Dr. Ia Kupatadze

    Ilia State University
    Architecture and Sustainable
    Development Department
    School of Technology

  • Dr. Olga Savytska

    Odessa State Academy of Civil
    Engineering Architecture
    Architectural and Art Institute
    Department of Urban Planning

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