
Daten zum Projekt

Rhine Ruhr Center for Science Communication Research

Initiative: Wissenschaftskommunikation hoch drei
Bewilligung: 02.07.2021
Laufzeit: 5 Jahre


In an era of accelerated digital dissemination of disinformation, researchers face the challenge to communicate more knowledge about the science system itself?about the roles, norms and values of researches, the inner workings of universities and other research institutions, of journals, publishers and research funders, and about basic prin- ciples of data handling. The Rhine-Ruhr Centerprinciplesce Communi- cation Research will investigate how different publics,audiences and stakeholders engage and invest in these aspects of science and scholarship. The Center will also analyse how these groups use a com- prehensive and differentiated knowledge of the science system to con- tribute to more diverse and reflexive forms of science communication. The Center focuses on the interdisciplinary field of science studies on the one hand, which includes traditional subdisciplines such as sociology, philosophy, and history of science,as well as specialized fields such as bibliometrics and data science. On the other hand, the consortium investigates the science communication of the social sciences and humanities. The goal is to explore how these disciplinary cultures and their epistemological characteristics enrich the production of socially relevant knowledge and help to contextualize the findings from e.g. the natural and life sciences. This is particularly important since actors and stakeholders in most societal fields are under increasing pressure to justify their deci- sions and to practicing judgements in times of multiple facts. Heuristics,quality standards and formats for science communication will be developed in three central research projects highlighting public knowledge about the norms and institutions,the procedures,cul- tures and products of highly differentiated research systems.By devel oping a "Quality Circle" for evaluating research in the social science sciences and the humanities, a "Living Handbook of Science Communication" and a "Lab" for designing new products and formats as well as "Science Cubed Workshops" combining surveys with training, the consortium will establish communication and research infrastructures for the exchange with journalists, political decision makers and the broader public. All these measures are carried out in close cooperation with the professional communication partners "Science Media Center Germany" and "Wissenschaftspressekonferenz" and within the dense science and media landscape in NRW the new structures are intended to have a sustained national and international impact.


  • Prof. Holger Wormer

    Technische Universität Dortmund
    Institut für Journalistik

  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Ruf

    Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
    FB Elektrotechnik,Maschinenbau&Technikjournalismus
    Institut für Medienentwicklung und -analyse (IMEA)
    Sankt Augustin

  • Prof. Dr. David Kaldewey

    Universität Bonn
    Forum Internationale Wissenschaft
    Abteilung Wissenschaftsforschung

  • Prof. Dr. Julika Griem

    Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen