
Daten zum Projekt

AnonymPrevent- AI-based Improvement of Anonymity for Remote Assessment, Treatment and Prevention against Child Sexual Abuse

Initiative: Künstliche Intelligenz – Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von morgen
Ausschreibung: Künstliche Intelligenz – Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von morgen - Full Grant (nur nach Aufforderung)
Bewilligung: 29.10.2021
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


The consortium investigates both the use and improvement of innovative AI-based anonymization techniques for initial counseling and preventive remote treatment of people who are sexually attracted to children.The Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine at the Charité Berlin,here acting as both practical and research partner, has been leading national and international projects for therapy-motivated people with pedophilic or hebephilic inclinations. The goal of AnonymPrevent is speech anonymization that anonymizes a patient's identity (voice, manner of speaking) while retaining the emotion and personality expression content relevant for clinical diagnostic assessment. The trustworthiness of such an AI system is crucial for the utilization of the preventive therapy offer by those seeking help, since participation is associated with shame and fear of social exclusion. The team also investigates whether anonymization of the verbal communication channel leads to more acceptance for preventive treatment against child abuse and promotes an open exchange without unfavorably influencing the communication in the therapy.


  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Siegert

    Universität Magdeburg
    Fakultät für Elektro- und Informationstechnik
    Institut für Informations- und

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Stober

    Universität Magdeburg
    Fakultät für Informatik
    Institut für Intelligente Kooperierende System
    Artificial Intelligence Lab
    Haus 29, Raum 007

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Möller

    Technische Universität Berlin
    Institut für Softwaretechnik und Theoretische
    Quality and Usability Lab

  • Dr.-Ing. Tim Polzehl

    Technische Universität Berlin
    Quality and Usability
    Institute of Software Engineering and Theoretical

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Beier

    Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
    Centrum für Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften
    Institut für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualmedizin

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