Daten zum Projekt
Initiative: | Herausforderungen für Europa |
Ausschreibung: | Herausforderungen und Potenziale für Europa: Der alternde Kontinent |
Bewilligung: | 25.08.2022 |
Laufzeit: | 3 Jahre |
The question of what kind of effect an ageing society has on younger generations has rarely been directly engaged with within research. The aim of this project is to gain a better understanding of how young migrants are impacted by and cope with ageing within and across different regions. The focus is on their perceptions and life experiences and the extent to which living in an "older" social and family context, next to migration and mobility, relates to and influences their decisions and arrangements on work activities, their living conditions and life plans. The goal of the project team is to inform local, regional, national and European policies supporting young people in Europe and mitigating the negative consequences of ageing of societies in Europe. Utilising participatory research methods, narrative biographical interviewing and documentary filmmaking, the team aims to explore questions relating to the meaning of the societal ageing in Europe on young people's lives within the framework of a cross country comparison between Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, and Austria. With this, they intend to produce results relevant to the EU Youth Strategy. As the project addresses questions of intergenerational relations, its results will be significant to several national and European policy areas: it will add new insights relevant for revising policies targeting elder people, such as active ageing programmes; it can enrich schemes for intergenerational learning by adding indepth knowledge on conditions for sustainable exchange and transfer of knowledge and skills between young and older people. By focusing on work as context for encounters between generations, it will also provide results relevant to vocational training policies.
Dr. Edward Omeni
Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und
Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) e. V.
Abteilung Integration
Prof. Dr. Janine Dahinden
Universität Neuchâtel
Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines
Laboratoire d'études des processus sociaux
Prof. Dr. Elzbieta Opilowska
University of Wroclaw
Institute of Sociology
Center for Regional and Borderland Studies
Prof. Dr. Belachew Gebrewold
Unternehmerische Hochschule Innsbruck,
Department & Studiengang Soziale Arbeit