
Daten zum Projekt

Globality and diversity as core concepts in German literary studies

Initiative: Momentum - Förderung für Erstberufene
Bewilligung: 11.04.2023
Laufzeit: 4 Jahre


Globality and Diversity as Core Concepts in German Literary Studies As part of the Momentum grant, the applicant will realign her professorship of Modern German Literary Studies in the spirit of a globality- and diversity-oriented Literary Studies. This profile corresponds with the focus of the research area ?Global Encounters", carried out by the University of Tübingen as part of its excellence strategy in the humanities and social sciences. The goal of the profile is to further develop methods and approaches of Modern German Literary Studies in a future-oriented and internationally compatible manner. Modern German Literary Studies is still very much national-philological oriented, especially as far as its literary-historical orientation is concerned. This applies to canon formation and description as well as to periodization. Therefore, the main goal of the Momentum grant is to develop concepts and templates for a globality- and diversity-oriented Literary Studies, especially with regard to literary historiography. In order to be able to implement diversity- and globality-oriented research and teaching in practice, international collaborations with German Departments in the U.S., but also in African countries such as Togo and Namibia, will be established during the funding period. To conduct her research, the applicant will work in a team consisting of a post-doctoral fellow, several doctoral candidates, as well as research assistants.
