
Daten zum Projekt

GreenING Lab - A qualification concept for an explorative bioscience lab in building engineering

Initiative: Kurswechsel – Forschungsneuland zwischen den Lebenswissenschaften und Natur- oder Technikwissenschaften
Ausschreibung: Qualifizierungskonzepte
Bewilligung: 02.02.2023


People are veering away from nature due to steadily growing urbanization. Common diseases, stress, and discomfort are associated with this development. At the same time, progress in scientific domains like biology, bioelectronics and bioinformatics allows us to research, design, and control our living environments. At the GreenING Lab, the project group intended to use these new possibilities to develop quantifiable biosystems able to increase the health and comfort of urban habitats. The vision of GreenING Lab is a world in which living organisms carry the core tasks of technical building services, improve indoor air hygiene, and contribute to our well-being via their biological functions. The project enables us to accompany the research activities at six well-chosen locations, to immerse ourselves in specialized areas of life sciences, to acquire the necessary practical and language skills on site and to build up an active and sustainable network in order to realize the vision of bio-based building technologies at the GreenING Lab.
