
Daten zum Projekt

Smartness as Wealth

Initiative: Perspektiven auf Reichtum: (Aus-)Wirkungen von Reichtum
Bewilligung: 03.04.2023
Laufzeit: 4 Jahre


Smartness promises wealth to cities around the world. Across the planet, we see a growing investment by corporations, philanthropies, start-ups, and governments in computational infrastructures that will manage cities and their inhabitants. This smartness is closely affiliated with venture capital and start-up experiments. It is assumed that smart systems in logistics, real estate, finance, energy and retail will encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, and will resolve problems of top-down economic planning. In this project five particular aspects of this new model of wealth creation and urban management will be examined: optimization, sustainability, inclusion, resilience, and convenience. These are all particular varieties of the promise of wealth associated with smartness: the optimization and subsequent affordability provided by logistics; the sustainability required for living on a planet in crisis; the inclusion in economic life offered by decentralized finance; the energy resilience to climate change, resource limitations, and geopolitics promised by smart grids and financial hedging; and the convenience sold by smart retail. It is smartness which propels these promises a smartness promoted by venture capital. Whether through public smart city initiatives or the plethora of private urban platforms for mobility, sustainability, finance and retail, venture capital is reshaping how wealth is produced and reproduced in the cities of today and tomorrow. This project examines historically and ethnographically the relationship between contemporary smart urbanism and wealth, and the urban economies transformed through smart technologies. Ethnographically the research will occur in five sites in five different countries: Hamburg, Nairobi, Denver and Tokyo. Historically, the research will examine genealogies of smartness and venture capital at these sites and compare smart urban initiatives globally.


  • Prof. Dr. Dirk Armin Beverungen

    Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
    Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften
    Institut für Soziologie und Kulturorganisation

  • Prof. Dr. Marc Steinberg

    Concordia University
    Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema
    Faculty of Fine Arts
    Montreal, Quebec
    Kanada (Canada)

  • Dr. Liza Rose Cirolia

    University of Cape Town
    Environmental & Geographical Science Building
    African Centre for Cities
    Cape Town

  • Prof. Dr. Orit Halpern

    Technische Universität Dresden
    Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Culture
    Media Studies

  • Prof. Dr. Anindita Nag

    O.P. Jindal Global University
    School of Art and Architecture
    Jindal School of Art and Architecture
    Sonipat, Haryana