
Daten zum Projekt

Creative musical dialogues between human and machine: a novel approach to studying improvisation and joint action

Initiative: Aufbruch - Neue Forschungsräume für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften
Bewilligung: 05.10.2023


Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently transforming our society and has opened up completely new avenues in many research fields, including music. In this project, we aim to create a new multidisciplinary and multimethod research programme to study creativity and joint music making through the lens of human-AI improvisation. State-of-the-art analytical methods will be used to read cognitive and subjective states of a performing musician in real-time, and use this information to enable a music AI to engage in creative dialogue with the musician. This multidisciplinary endeavour bridges the humanities and biological sciences and brings together a broad panel of innovative theoretical and experimental systems, technical platforms and statistical approaches for advanced data collection and analysis, grounded in artistic practice and a decidedly humanistic perspective which makes this project unique. Meeting our aim of studying the creative dialogues of music making will open-up significant new lines of research: Understanding joint creative actions and how AI can better support human creativity; understanding the relationship between internal creative processes and their outcomes; offering new insights into long-standing questions about how music is created and shaped; investigating the integration of AI technology into realms that were deemed until very recently the preserve of humans.
