
Daten zum Projekt

Unmaking the past making the future: An intergenerational analysis of ancestral citizenship and visions of Europe

Initiative: Herausforderungen für Europa
Ausschreibung: Challenges and Potentials for Europe: Intergenerational Futures
Bewilligung: 13.12.2023
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


The Project aims to investigate how the vision of Europe has changed across different generations of citizens and what role European citizenship and ancestry plays in the constitution of a fair and future-oriented Europe. Since the Maastricht Treaty, there has been a vivid debate whether European citizen-ship could be seen as the first step of a post national European identity or whether it is bound to remain a derivative status confined to second-order attachment. While the European Union has expanded towards Central and Eastern Europe, the member states have maintained their own approach to nationhood, resulting in different legal pathways to citizenship across Europe. The attached meanings to citizenships and therefore, the use that is made of them, can be expected to vary across different generations within Europe. The project will employ a mixed-method and multi-level study design to conduct a cross-country comparative study across three work packages: (1) analysing laws and parliamentary debates, (2) biographical interviews and story maps and (3) stakeholder interviews and observations.


  • Dr. Zeynep Yanasmayan-Wegele

    Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und
    Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) e. V.
    Abteilung Migration

  • Dr. Melissa Blanchard

    CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche
    Centre Norbert Elias

  • Dr. Jannes Jacobsen

    Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und
    Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) e. V.
    Cluster "Daten-Methoden-Monitoring"

  • Dr. Zeynep Kasli

    Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
    International Institute of Social Studies
    Den Haag