
Daten zum Projekt

Archaeology, Climate change and Us

Initiative: Zusätzliche Mittel für Wissenschaftskommunikation
Bewilligung: 19.02.2024
Laufzeit: 1 Jahr


The general objective of the science communication project entitled "Archaeology, Climate Change and Us" is to raise awareness of the local communities (small-scale farmers) in Pangani Bay, Tanzania, of the natural catastrophes that happened in the bay in the past and of the coping strategies their ancestors deployed in order to cope with the adverse effects of climate change and tsunamic inundation. The communities will gain this awareness by participating in the project, where archaeological findings on the natural catastrophes in question will be communicated to them using a mobile museum and a number of workshops. The communities will also participate in the creation of the contents of the museum and the workshops. The museum will be in the form of multimedia-based and interactive exhibition series designed to communicate the findings to the people in an enjoyable and memorable way. All forms of communication of the traditional exhibition, and various forms of interaction and participation will be deployed during the project. The knowledge, understanding and skills to be gained will enable the communities to manage and conserve the environment, adapt to the effects of the congoing climate change, practice climate-smart agriculture, and ensure food security in the bay. The project will ultimately influence their actions on land and cognitive abilities, and make them trust scientific findings from archaeology and agricultural sciences, apart from helping them build a culture of exchanging ideas and discussing various issues affecting them and other people, even after the project has ended. Project Leader: Elinaza Mjema (PhD) Head, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies Senior Lecturer, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Senior Postdoctoral Fellow Volkswagen Foundation (2020-2024) East African coastal Archaeology Historical Archaeology and Heritage Studies of Colonial Heritage in East Africa Archaeology of climate change and natural disasters


  • Prof. Dr. Brigitte Reinwald

    Universität Hannover
    Philosophische Fakultät
    Historisches Seminar
    Fachgebiet Geschichte Afrikas