
Daten zum Projekt

AI Navigation of Complex Social Landscapes (AI-NAVI)

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Initiative: Künstliche Intelligenz – Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von morgen
Ausschreibung: Künstliche Intelligenz – Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von morgen - Planning Grant
Bewilligung: 17.12.2019
Laufzeit: 9 Monate


Currently, a co-evolution of two societal trends can be observed: Rising political populism coincides with the increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Concerns around intelligent technologies fuelling populism are growing, but the hypothesis of AI directly promoting populism is highly contested. The interplay of technology and society is complex and non-linear: Impacts of the two co-emerging trends' interaction, both on individuals and society, are poorly understood; approaches for investigating these issues lack methodological detail and innovation. AI NAVI will investigate the effects of increased AI use on socio-political decision making. Our democratic societies require citizens to process complicated, highly specialised information for forming political opinions and deciding on complex societal issues. AI can be used for helping with this complex navigation task, and can be used to manipulate navigation. However, AI NAVI will investigate an even more interesting angle: already avoiding complex spatial cognition by entrusting the navigation of social landscapes to AI might negatively affect socio-political decision behaviours and outcomes. Based on an interdisciplinary approach integrated by spatial concepts, AI NAVI will empirically analyse this context and will use computational modelling to experiment with improvements for the identified dynamics simulating scenarios for AI-supported political decision making in future societies.


  • Prof. Dr. Petra Ahrweiler

    Universität Mainz
    Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften, Medien, Sport
    Institut für Soziologie
    Technik- und Innovationssoziologie,

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