
Daten zum Projekt

Wasteland Futures. Intergenerational relations in abandoned places across Europe

Initiative: Herausforderungen für Europa
Ausschreibung: Challenges and Potentials for Europe: Intergenerational Futures
Bewilligung: 13.12.2023
Laufzeit: 4 Jahre


This project explores how intergenerational relations are changing in abandoned places across Europe due to demographic change. Focusing on two case studies: 'below the ground' communities, and 'above the ground' communities, four sites will be studied: two former coal mining communities in the UK and Germany ('below the ground') and an iron ore mining town in Austria, and a Danube delta community in Romania ('above the ground'). The project will work with communities in places of abandonment, loss, and renewal in western and eastern Europe to develop intergenerational, utopian re-stories that allow those who are usually excluded from speculation about the future to have a stake in it. While abandoned places are often framed in a discourse that focuses on the past, decline and loss, they also contain potential for the development of utopian visions about the future of Europe. The project investigates how intergenerational relations have changed and are changing across these sites and identify how different generations of people living in these places imagine the future. The study involves an ethnographic and co-creative approach to create utopian narratives of the future with creative practitioners, project partners and participants, and examine how the term 'generation' can be reframed.


  • Dr. Anamaria Depner

    Universität Frankfurt am Main
    Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaften
    Institut für Sozialpädagogik und
    Interdisziplinäre Alternswissenschaft (IAW)
    Frankfurt am Main

  • Dr. Loredana Ivan

    National University of Political Studies
    and Public Administration
    Communication Department

  • Dr. Vera Gallistl

    Karl-Landsteiner Privatuniversität
    für Gesundheitswissenschaften
    Kompetenzzentrum Gerontologie
    Krems an der Donau

  • Dr. Melanie Lovatt

    University of Stirling
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology

  • Prof. Dr. Susan Watkins

    Leeds Beckett University
    School of Humanities and Social Sciences