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  • Initiative/Ausschreibung:
    • Freigeist-Fellowships
Ergebnisse 1-10 von 109:
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Institution Bewilligungsdatum Initiative/Ausschreibung
Super-Resolution Fluorescence Cryo-Microscopy (continuation)
Rainer Kaufmann Universität Hamburg 15.03.2024 Freigeist-Fellowships
"Come together": Bridging Education Research and Cognitive Neuroscience by Investigating Motor Metacognition in Music Learning
Elisa Filevich Universität Tübingen 17.10.2023 Freigeist-Fellowships
Heidegger and Postmodernity: a Story of Violence?
Sidonie Kellerer Universität zu Köln 27.07.2023 Freigeist-Fellowships
Unidirectional Light Propagation in Macroscopic Self-assembled Gain-Loss Nanomaterials (continuation)
Tobias Anton F. König Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. 07.12.2022 Freigeist-Fellowships
Heidegger and Postmodernity: the Story of a Delusion?
Sidonie Kellerer Universität zu Köln 20.05.2022 Freigeist-Fellowships
Plasticity-led evolution in the phenotype of a freshwater snail: from the epigenome to genetic change.
Denis Meuthen Universität Bielefeld 12.04.2022 Freigeist-Fellowships / Freigeist Kollegium
The M/Other Project: Creativity, Procreation, and Contemporary Art.
Jordan Troeller Leuphana Universität Lüneburg 12.04.2022 Freigeist-Fellowships / Freigeist Kollegium
Local-first software: Resilient and secure collaboration.
Martin Kleppmann Technische Universität München 12.04.2022 Freigeist-Fellowships / Freigeist Kollegium
Dealing with photosynthetic neighbours: diurnal chemical modulation of crosstalk in biofilm communities.
Christina C. Roggatz Universität Bremen 12.04.2022 Freigeist-Fellowships / Freigeist Kollegium
Visions of the History of Greek Philosophy in Late Antiquity and in the Greek and Arabic Middle Ages.
Anna Izdebska Humboldt-Universität Berlin 12.04.2022 Freigeist-Fellowships / Freigeist Kollegium
Ergebnisse 1-10 von 109:
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