
Daten zum Projekt

Mechanisms of visual attention in area MT and prefrontal neuronal populations: Electrophysiology and computational modeling

Initiative: Dynamik und Adaptivität neuronaler Systeme (beendet)
Bewilligung: 01.04.2004
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


Attention is the ability to focus the brain's processing resources on- to relevant sensory information. This highly adaptive and dynamic abi- lity allows us to perceive attended aspects with enormous precision without being overwhelmed by irrelevant information. The goal of the proposed project is to understand the neural mechanisms of attentional influences on visual information processing. The applicants will com- bine recordings from neurons in the cortex of awake monkeys performing attentional tasks and computational modeling of the mechanisms of attention. The model system will be the response of networks of di- rection-selective neurons to multi-directional "transparent" motion stimuli. By employing multi-electrode techniques and by recording from frontal and sensory cortex simultaneously the group aims to investi- gate (1) the dynamics of attentional modulation, (2) the sensory and attentional influences on the perceptual strength of attended stimuli, (3) the influence of attention on not just single neurons but whole networks of neurons, and (4) the interaction between neurons in such networks.


  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Treue

    Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH
    Leibniz-Institut für Primatenforschung

  • Prof. Dr. Xiao-Jing Wang

    Yale University
    School of Medicine
    Dept. of Neurobiology and
    Kavli Institute for Neuroscience
    New Haven, CT 06520-8001