
Daten zum Projekt

Serial co-sputtering for functional multi component thin films - COSMOS

Initiative: Herstellung funktionaler Oberflächen (beendet)
Bewilligung: 27.11.2007
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


This project investigates the deposition of multi-component materials by applying a novel type of magnetron sputtering, namely "serial co-sputtering". The basic principle is sketched as follows: The sputter source consists of a primary rotatable sputter target of material A and a secondary, fixed sputter target of material B. During operation of the primary sputter target, a thin metallic film of the material sputtered from target B is deposited onto its backside. In the primary sputtering process, this film gets implanted into the primary target material A, thereby enabling an increased sputtering rate and/or the metallic or reactive deposition of doped layers with an adjustable doping concentration [B]/[A].The project goal is to establish a sound theoretical understanding of this concept by means of computer simulations and experimental work and to employ this for high rate production of thin film materials with enhanced properties or with even novel phase compositions. As a second objective, the development and implementation of advanced process control techniques will further support the achievement of this goal.


  • Dr. Andreas Pflug

    Fraunhofer-Institut für Schicht- und
    Oberflächentechnik (IST)

  • Prof. Sören Berg, Ph.D.

    Uppsala University
    Angström Laboratory
    Solid State Electronics

  • Dr. Tomas Nyberg

    Uppsala University
    Angström laboratory

  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Wuttig

    Technische Hochschule Aachen
    I. Physikalisches Institut (IA)
    Lehrstuhl für Physik neuer Materialien