
Daten zum Projekt

Ausbildungskonzept "Evolution across Scales"

Initiative: Evolutionsbiologie (beendet)
Bewilligung: 11.04.2008
Laufzeit: 4 Jahre


The overall goal of this concept is to enhance evolutionary teaching in biosciences as well as in other natural sciences that study the role and impact of organisms, including geosciences and theoretical physics. Two central research fields,both of which have a strong scientific basis in Potsdam will be integrated which are: (a) genomics, metabolomics, and supporting bioinformatics that allow the genome-wide analysis of molecular events in model organisms, and (b) geosciences and climate impact research, which provide superior opportunity to study the interaction between the biosphere and the geosphere. Integration of these sciences into a stringent Evolutionary Biology programme will be achieved through complementary measures, like the integration of relevant theoretical, genomic and geoscientific knowledge into already existing curricula of biosciences and the development of an intensive training program devoted to a selected Core Group of particularly motivated students. In addition, State-of-the-Art Evolutionary Biology modules will be exported to other natural sciences, in particular Geosciences, Physics, and Bioinformatics. More generally, further interdisciplinary research on evolution among biologists, geoscientists, and physicists will be stimulated through joint teaching activities.
