
Daten zum Projekt

Two languages of the Papuan Tip Cluster (Continuation of the project: Towards the documentation of Saliba-Logea, an endangered language of Papua New Guinea)

Initiative: Dokumentation bedrohter Sprachen (beendet)
Bewilligung: 24.06.2009
Laufzeit: 2 Jahre


Papua New Guinea hosts over 800 different languages and is well known for its great linguistic diversity. Throughout much of Papua New Guinea, shift to the dominant languages English and Pidgin is well under way and many languages are already severely threatened. Target of this documentation project are Saliba and Logea, two Western Oceanic languages of the Papuan Tip cluster spoken in Milne Bay Province (estimated number of speakers 2,500). The project started in 2004. The planned second phase builds on the achievements of the first phase and on the infrastructure the project has set up. For the archived corpus to be a resource that is as accessible and useful as possible to other researchers and to future generations of probably non-fluent speakers, the lexicon database and the quality of the text translations will be essential. That is why in the project's one year final phase the Australian-German team will extend and improve the existing draft lexicon and provide more fine-tuned translations for a larger part of the Saliba-Logea corpus.


  • Dr. Anna Margetts

    Monash University
    School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
    Linguistics Program
    Building 11 (Menzies), 5th floor W503B
    Clayton, Victoria 3800

  • Dr. Carmen Dawuda

    Monash University
    School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
    Linguistics Program
    Melbourne, Victoria

  • Prof. Dr. John Hajek

    University of Melbourne
    School of Languages & Linguistics
    French, Italian and Spanish Studies
    - Head of Department -
    Melbourne VIC 3010