
Daten zum Projekt

Language, Music and Place: Building a Foundation for Governance in Déline, Northwest Territories, Canada

Initiative: Dokumentation bedrohter Sprachen (beendet)
Bewilligung: 25.03.2011
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


Language, Music and Place in Déline, Northwest Territories, Canada, develops an interdisciplinary approach to language documentation. As the community of Déline makes a transition to self-government, there has been increased interest in stories, song, and concepts of place in order to better understand what government means. Governance thus is one focal point of this research. Complementing this, the project involves development of an indigenous research methodology with respect to language research. The research explores variation, change and continuity in language, stories, song, and concepts of place as they relate to governance and land stewardship. The approach involves documentation with three groups of families from distinct traditional land use areas across generations, including archival and new materials, as well as dialogue with relatives from neighbouring communities with distinct dialects in order to understand the role of place of origin in variability.


  • Dr. Dagmar Jung

    Universität Köln
    Philosophische Fakultät
    Institut für Linguistik
    Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

  • Walter Bayha

    Déline Self-Government Office
    Implementation Department
    Déline, Northwest Territories
    Kanada (Canada)

  • Dr. Nicole Beaudry

    Université du Québec à Montréal - UQAM
    Département de musique
    Montréal, Québec
    Kanada (Canada)

  • Edith Mackeinzo

    Déline Self-Government Office
    Déline Knowledge Project
    Déline, Northwest Territories
    Kanada (Canada)

  • Orlena Modeste

    Déline Self-Government Office
    Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
    Contaminants and Remediation Directorate
    Déline, Northwest Territories
    Kanada (Canada)

  • Dr. Leslie Saxon

    University of Victoria
    Department of Linguistics
    Aboriginal Language Revitalization
    Victoria, British Columbia
    Kanada (Canada)

  • Prof. Deborah Simmons

    University of Manitoba
    Department of Native Studies
    Déline Knowledge Project
    Yellowknife, NT
    Kanada (Canada)

  • Doris Taneton

    Déline Self-Government Office
    Déline Knowledge Project
    Déline, Northwest Territories
    Kanada (Canada)

  • Prof. Dr. Keren Rice

    University of Toronto
    Department of Linguistics
    Kanada (Canada)