
Daten zum Projekt

Focusing X-ray free-electron laser beams for imaging and creating extreme conditions in matter

Initiative: Forschung mit Freie-Elektronen-Lasern: Peter Paul Ewald-Fellowships am LCLS in Stanford
Bewilligung: 08.07.2011
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


Modern X-ray free-electron lasers create new research opportunities, in particular regarding investigations on ultrashort time scales. For the most part, such measurements require a high spatial resolution as well. This can be achieved by means of magnified imaging or diffraction techniques. In both cases a focussing of the X-ray beam is necessary which is the aim of this fellowship. Refractive lenses of Beryllium (Be-CRLs) are promising optical components for the hard X-ray regime and have proven useful with various X-ray sources. In the framework of this project focussing X-ray optics is implemented, optimized and used at the "Matter in extreme conditions" experimental station at LCLS in Stanford. The quality of the optics will be tested in various experiments, such as time-resolved measurements of shock waves in aluminum and the preparation of warm dense matter.


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