
Daten zum Projekt

Transformation processes in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan. The presence and the future of energy resources in the framework of sustainable development (extension)

Initiative: Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft
Bewilligung: 06.12.2011
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


Energy consumption in high mountain regions is comparatively high and has often to be generated locally. Therefore the energetic sector occupies a central position. In the second phase of the research project in the Eastern Pamirs, the goal is to understand the role of energetic resources as a local benefit and in relation to societal interests and economic requirements. The availability of energetic resources, their accessibility and their consumption patterns need to be interpreted from different perspectives. An interdisciplinary enquiry into specific natural properties of the study area and human utilisation patterns are the prerequisite for appropriate modelling. A model of energetic flows is envisaged as the basis for our understanding of present and future challenges to survival in high mountain plateaux with challenging environmental conditions. In the context of the Eastern Pamirs, energy- and animal husbandry-related activities meet at crucial points of articulation. Dwarf shrubs are the main resource materials for both sectors. The in-built competition about their exploitation is a key feature in depicting future scenarios of degradation, sustainable resource utilisation and/or human survival strategies at the upper limit of habitations.
