
Daten zum Projekt

Abschluss des Projekts "The documentation of Baure, a language of the Bolivian Amazonia"

Initiative: Dokumentation bedrohter Sprachen (beendet)
Bewilligung: 11.07.2011
Laufzeit: 2 Jahre


The aim of the project is a multimedia documentation of the Baure language, spoken in the Bolivian Amazonia. Baure is seriously endangered, and Spanish is the dominant language: the latest census counted 56 speakers and semi-speakers; all speakers are older than 70 years; active transmission of Baure stopped at least 30 years ago. In the final phase the project will concentrate on rounding of the Baure archive (by Danielsen) and the finalization of two PhD theses: (1) Femmy Admiraal is working on the grammar of space in Baure. She already identified the various kinds of locative constructions used. She is studying now the semantic concepts underlying the locative constructions in order to incorporate this in her thesis. (2) Franziska Riedel is analyzing the relevant ethnological characteristics of the Baure, and for her thesis she is studying concepts of illness and the application of traditional healing methods in Baures.
