
Daten zum Projekt

Investigation of Modulation Mechanism of KCNQ1 Potassium Channels by Intracellular Calcium Ions

Initiative: Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft
Bewilligung: 28.09.2012
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


The objective of this reintegration project is to establish an electrophysiological laboratory in the Institute of Molecular Biology, National Academy of Sciences in Yerevan, Armenia. The PI Dr. V. Vardanyan received his Ph.D. and worked as a postdoctoral scientist in the Center of Molecular Neurobiology (ZMNH) in Hamburg obtaining an excellent training in cellular physiology. His main topic was the study of the gating mechanisms of various types of ion channels. Accordingly, the study of the modulation of KCNQ1 channels by calcium ions is in the focus of his research. KCNQ1 channels belong to the large family of potassium channels. In the heart, KCNQ1 channels (plus KCNE1) mediate a potassium current which helps to repolarize the heart action potential. Mutations of this channel can lead to heart arrhythmias and eventually cardiac arrest. It is intended to study the effect of the intracellular second messenger calcium on KCNQ1 function. The main part of the experiments will be done in the newly installed Yerevan laboratory, and part of the experiments are planned to be performed in ZMNH Hamburg or Saarland University, Homburg.


  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen R. Schwarz

    Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
    Zentrum für Molekulare
    Neurobiologie Hamburg (ZMNH)
    Institut für Molekulare Neurogenetik

  • Prof. Dr. Olaf Pongs

    Universität des Saarlandes
    Institut für Physiologie
    Homburg (Saar)

  • Dr. Vitya Vardanyan

    National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
    Institute of Molecular Biology
    Molecular Neuroscience Group