
Daten zum Projekt

AMIES II - Scenario development for sustainable land use in the Greater Caucasus, Georgia (extension)

Initiative: Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft
Ausschreibung: Ausschreibung: Strukturell orientierte Maßnahmen
Bewilligung: 05.12.2013
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


The follow-up project aims to continue its interdisciplinary research to support the rural development of the Kazbegi district in the Greater Caucasus. The joint investigation focuses on the human-environment-interface and comprises ecological and socio-economic research to develop sustainable agricultural land-use options. The project is divided into four units, with German and Georgian researchers cooperating in each unit. The research topics are dealing with aspects of landscape ecology, soil science, vegetation ecology/agrobiodiversity and socio-economics. The disciplinary and interdisciplinary results of the project units will be translated into normative scenarios for a sustainable development. The possible consequences and outcome of these scenarios will be depicted and illustrated as alternative futures by means of high resolution maps and socio economic data. The scenario development will be carried out in cooperation with an Advisory Board and Georgian NGO experts. This exchange will ensure a comprehensive consideration of the (local) social and political conditions. The results will be made available to political and societal decision-makers.
