
Daten zum Projekt

Fluid Mobilities for Cities in Transformation: Spatial Dynamics of Marshrutkas in Central Asia and the Caucasus

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Initiative: Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft
Ausschreibung: Ausschreibung: Institutioneller Wandel und soziale Praxis. Forschungen zu Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Mittelasien und im Kaukasus
Bewilligung: 31.03.2015
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


The project deals with the role of the marshrutka mobility phenomenon in the production of post-Soviet urban spaces, in and beyond Central Asia and the Caucasus. It provides an empirically founded contribution to the larger discussion on post-Soviet transformation, and fosters a still under-represented view on post-Soviet transformation, highlighting - through the lens of the marshrutka phenomenon - the bottom-up and everyday emergence of new orders in the fields of economy, morale, urban development and migration. The project is carried out by means of five complementary PhD projects under supervision of academic project partners; in addition, a post-doc based at the IfL in Leipzig is charged with a cross-cutting research project and ensures the conceptual coherence of the project. The project sees its outcomes in terms of a solid and sustainable transfer of knowledge and methods, from German partners towards the academic institutions in the target regions, and vice versa, strengthened local research capacities and infrastructures, and long-lasting research cooperation. To achieve these objectives, the partners will create an interdisciplinary research-practice learning environment consisting of comprehensive individual and network-wide training elements, helping thereby to educate self-reflexive specialists, and raise the employability of trained researchers in science, politics, public service, private business or civil society.


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