
Daten zum Projekt

Junior Fellowship for Dr. Joram Tarusarira: "The role of civil society in dealing with the past and reconciliation in Zimbabwe and Northern Ireland: Analysing faith-based organisations"

Initiative: Wissen für morgen – Kooperative Forschungsvorhaben im subsaharischen Afrika (beendet)
Ausschreibung: Postdoctoral Fellowships Social Sciences
Bewilligung: 29.04.2015
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


This project focuses on how to deal with Zimbabwe's violent political past. Based on the principle of cross-cultural exchange, and challenging exceptionalism, it compares Zimbabwe and Northern Ireland with regard to the role of civil society, especially faith-based organizations (FBOs), in dealing with the past. It is grounded in cross-cultural scholarship on civil society, transitional justice, reconciliation and approaches towards dealing with the past. It is unique and original in that it: 1. moves out of the African context for comparison, to look at a global environment and 2. undertakes an unprecedented in-depth cross-regional qualitative study. It also investigates FBOs' attempts to influence political policies and societal interactions in post-violence contexts and the impact their practices/strategies have had.The current research will be a focused study on the Irish Churches Peace Project, and the Church and Civil Society Forum in Zimbabwe. Both platforms engage with other secular groups in civil society, adding a further dimension for investigation: how FBOs cooperate with secular groups in the pursuit of common goals, and how faith impacts (or not) during that process. The project will provide new insights and lessons for Zimbabwe (and Northern Ireland) in dealing with a violent political past; increase understanding of how civil society actors, including FBOs, contribute (or not)to reconciliation; contribute to the scholarly cross-cultural and cross-regional study of FBOs in conflict, violence and reconciliation and assist other scholars investigating the role of religion in post-violence contexts.


  • Prof. Dr. Mamadou Diawara

    Universität Frankfurt am Main
    Zentrum für interdisziplinäre
    Afrikaforschung (ZIAF)
    Campus Westend
    Frankfurt am Main