
Daten zum Projekt

Senior Fellowship for Dr. Martha Adimabuno Awo: "Global value chain restructuring, national policy regimes and local livelihood impacts in Ghana's Shea sector"

Initiative: Wissen für morgen – Kooperative Forschungsvorhaben im subsaharischen Afrika (beendet)
Ausschreibung: Postdoctoral Fellowships Social Sciences
Bewilligung: 29.04.2015
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre


This proposal on the shea industry is an outcome of an ongoing project (2012-2015) financed by the Volkswagen Foundation ('Value Chains: Peasant's Autonomy and Capture in Times of Increasing Integration on Global Food Markets in Northern Region of Ghana' - 86617). The findings constitute the basis for this project as new research questions have come up during the research process. In terms of policy implications it can be argued that a careful exploration of the dynamics in the global shea value chain, the emerging governance forms and the co-formation of the institutional framework is necessary in order to formulate sensitive and sustainable 'external' interventions for poverty eradication. As a consequence of these reflections, the main research question is: How are current changes in shea GVC through new patterns of benefit-sharing and access to shea resources affect the livelihood strategies and poverty reduction among female shea producers? In particular three areas of research are highlighted that originate from this overarching research question: - An improved understanding of how formal and informal access to resources such as land, trees and shea nuts is managed and how informal access to resources in rural societies permit (or not permit) equal resource access. - A detailed understanding of how female collectors' livelihoods have been affected by being involved in a corporate program that promotes quality and consistent supply while also requiring participants to endure with fast technological changes. - A deeper understanding of how new governance forms and institutional frameworks in the GVC for shea interact at global and national scales.


  • Prof. Dr. Mamadou Diawara

    Universität Frankfurt am Main
    Zentrum für interdisziplinäre
    Afrikaforschung (ZIAF)
    Campus Westend
    Frankfurt am Main

  • Dr. Martha Adimabuno Awo

    University of Ghana
    Institute of Statistical Social
    and Economic Research (ISSER)
    Legon, Accra

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